In many cases, the words “language” and “communication” are used interchangeably. We use either or both of them to mean speaking person to person. However, there is a distinct dichotomy between the two terms— language vs. communication. In a very real sense, every living thing communicates in some way. Fish jump, sometimes for sheer joy. Birds sing their cadences to communicate a variety of purposes, many of them doubtlessly unknown to us. Dogs bark, cats meow, cows moo, and horses whinny. And yet, we do not say they are engaging in language communication. These noises or other interactions communicate, or transfer information of some kind. And yet, that is not language communication Language is the highest form of intelligent interaction—and is reserved for higher order beings of our universe, namely humans. No other living thing communicates verbally and further, reduces that verbal communication to written form as well.
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To gain more fluent English you need to speak the language regularly with other people. This could be with native or non-native friends, relatives, members of a local English conversation club, other students at a group class, a Skype English tutor, etc.
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